Die Suche ergab 105 Treffer

von dido1903
Mittwoch 4. Mai 2011, 10:23
Forum: Eure Fahrzeuge
Thema: Opel Rekord C Coupe 1971
Antworten: 147
Zugriffe: 179380

Re: Opel Rekord C Coupe 1971

The restauration begins! Summer 2010. Down close to the clutch: http://lh3.ggpht.com/_YVyyzQlavbg/S9WVd0dCgJI/AAAAAAAAASA/rjxE824-TZc/Rek_C_1039-Duno_Novo-01.JPG http://lh5.ggpht.com/_YVyyzQlavbg/S9WVfOEHcyI/AAAAAAAAASE/W_-EmMsIOQQ/Rek_C_1039-Duno_Novo-03.JPG http://lh5.ggpht.com/_YVyyzQlavbg/S9WVgW...
von dido1903
Mittwoch 4. Mai 2011, 10:20
Forum: Eure Fahrzeuge
Thema: Opel Rekord C Coupe 1971
Antworten: 147
Zugriffe: 179380

Re: Opel Rekord C Coupe 1971

Hi and welcome. How is it looking now? Better? ;) Did you find many surprises additional to those one could see on these photos? Head up while restoring...... greetings Markus Thank you Markus! Hope here you don't mind my writing in english??? Unfortunately we found a lot of bad and terrible surpri...
von dido1903
Mittwoch 4. Mai 2011, 10:13
Forum: Eure Fahrzeuge
Thema: Opel Rekord C Coupe 1971
Antworten: 147
Zugriffe: 179380

Re: Opel Rekord C Coupe 1971

Some photos of the new-made seats ,the doors and the front and rear bonnets. January 2010. The seats and some interior: http://lh3.ggpht.com/_YVyyzQlavbg/S17FNf33dqI/AAAAAAAAADU/BG7Gs0cS4_Q/Rek_C_589-kora-zadna.JPG http://lh4.ggpht.com/_YVyyzQlavbg/S17FNu-bZiI/AAAAAAAAADY/AXRZ9mlCaeQ/Rek_C_590-kora-...
von dido1903
Mittwoch 4. Mai 2011, 10:09
Forum: Eure Fahrzeuge
Thema: Opel Rekord C Coupe 1971
Antworten: 147
Zugriffe: 179380

Re: Opel Rekord C Coupe 1971

More photos from the beginning . . . http://lh3.ggpht.com/_YVyyzQlavbg/S2AIjl3kXjI/AAAAAAAAAF8/10DKbMvcYm0/Rek_C_575-rear.JPG http://lh5.ggpht.com/_YVyyzQlavbg/S2AIklpqdPI/AAAAAAAAAGA/JFCe0WvvMnE/Rek_C_576-rear-left.JPG http://lh4.ggpht.com/_YVyyzQlavbg/S2AImREC9xI/AAAAAAAAAGE/lQnHLgJXlE0/Rek_C_577-...
von dido1903
Mittwoch 4. Mai 2011, 10:07
Forum: Eure Fahrzeuge
Thema: Opel Rekord C Coupe 1971
Antworten: 147
Zugriffe: 179380

Opel Rekord C Coupe 1971

Hallo from Sofia, Bulgaria. My name is Dido. Here is my Rekord C coupe. Engine is 1,7S. These photos are from the end of 2009. http://lh4.ggpht.com/_YVyyzQlavbg/S2AI5qLhR6I/AAAAAAAAAG0/_4uneUAD4rI/Rek_C_567-front.JPG http://lh4.ggpht.com/_YVyyzQlavbg/S2AI6xF8tiI/AAAAAAAAAG4/HTv3zZs4eJk/Rek_C_568-fro...